Project | Travel & Food

Project | Travel & Food

“Have no fear of perfection — you’ll never reach it.” — Salvador Dali

Photo by [Mikaela Shannon]( on [Unsplash]( by Mikaela Shannon on Unsplash

At this time of the semester, it is time to get into the final project. For the final project, our design class required to work with a team of 4. Two Digital Media Students & 2 English Major students where digital media students will be in charge of the design and the English students will be in charge of writing the content with the idea of sharing multiple ideas and getting into a new storm of ideas since the focus is working with new tools.

The project consists of three major areas which require to use the following tools: Design tools like Adobe XD, Illustrator, Figma, Invision, Sketch, etc. Also, we need to try to use a new tool call zap works to try to do augmented reality with all the prints that we will need to create.

First of all, I would like to mention that this semester started to get a little bit complicated due to COVID-19. For this reason, we started to struggle to learn more about this new software. However, we were able to overcome all of these challenges and we were able to produce something that can give a better user experience through simplicity.

The Project

To start with this project, I would like to mention that we named “Travel and Food” where we decided to talk about some key countries that will allow speaking about it. Plus, we include places that are a little bit popular to make it simpler or to be able to build more simple content instead of overworking ourselves.

The Process

To begin with the process, I would like to mention that my inspiration through this project was a problem that I had at the airport. My experience was that I lost my phone while I was waiting for the airplane. At this point, I tried to search for a screen or kiosk that can help me to interact with my ticket flight information to make sure I will be arriving at the right terminal and the right spot. However, I was unable to find any kiosk since the only place where you can find a kiosk is in the principal entry or before checking your bags.

Imagine how bad it is losing your phone, and not able to do anything. For the same reason, I decided to start thinking about an idea that can solve this problem.

This kiosk should have a way to find information about the city that you will visit, places that you can visit, restaurants, videos, and some more cultural content that can give you an overview or can save you some money. Some extras are things like checking the weather, sharing this information through your social media.

This kiosk needs to be something unique that can allow the end-user a good and smooth user interface where the user experience will be pretty well self-explanatory.

For this reason, I created 13 artboards in Adobe XD that will allow me to show my audience the current idea that I have.

The Main Page: The content of this page should only have visual information that will allow you to choose what you would like to do next like finding places where to eat, finding the city where you are going, check the weather, articles about the most popular places from the city that you are visiting & your information about your flight ticket.

Travel & Food Project 2020Travel & Food Project 2020

Weather Screen: On this screen, you should have all the information about the weather. Also, you will have access to find information about your flight ticket.

The Flight Information Screen: This screen will allow you to look for your flight ticket’s information, you can search the weather & you will have the most current data from your flight like the number, seats, arrival time, status, and the amount of bags that are allowed.

Country Selector: This screen will give you the flexibility to take a look at more digital content from a specific country, you will be able to see current weather information, and you will be able to share these details through your social media.

Country or City Screen: This is the most valuable information about the place you’re visiting since you will be able to get to know more about this city. You will be able to see more articles, videos & pictures.

Culture Screen: This page should show you the most abstract information about the country where you are visiting. If any specific country has a restriction, you will be able to see that through this screen.

Food Screen: If you are starving, but you are waiting to get into your destination, you should look up for some famous restaurants to be prepared and ready to eat.

Article Screen: These screens will only have information related to specific countries where you can read more about it.

Blog Screens:

The real experience:

Please click the following link to see a quick animation from this adobe xd file


To give a quick overview of this project, I decided to design some prints that will allow the end-user to know what this project is about.

Food and Travel by Alan A. HaroFood and Travel by Alan A. Haro

Food and Travel by Alan A. HaroFood and Travel by Alan A. Haro

Food and Travel by Alan A. HaroFood and Travel by Alan A. Haro

Tools that I used: Figma, Adobe XD, Unsplash, Adobe Creative Cloud, Adobe Creative SDK, Grammarly. I get some ideas from Canva Team, and Dribbble.

If you have questions, you will need to email me at . Please take a look at my website, repl, twitter, Github, Spanish Medium Account, and LinkedIn.

Please don’t forget to have a wonderful day and don’t forget to enjoy everything that you do — Coders_forlife.