Hello Dreamers!

Hello Dreamers!

My name is Andres Haro and I’m currently majoring in Web and App Development at **Utah Valley University, and I’m currently enrolled in the Full-Stack Development Program at [Bottega Tech](bottega.tech). The background or the idea of doing double major here in the United States of America is to be able to learn and to gain experience as a developer to make sure I will find a better opportunity in the future**.

You might be wondering where I came from, and for the same reason, I would love to tell you my story.

I was born in Orange County, CA. I just lived here in the U.S. for 5 years and after that, my parents decided to go back to the country where they are from which is Mexico. Yes, I know a lot of people will say that most of the time people will do the opposite thing. In other words, my parents decided to do the best thing for their family.


I spend all my childhood in Guadalajara, Mexico. Living in this country made me learn Spanish and made me finish my education from Elementary school through college. In other words, I spent more than a decade in Mexico trying to figure out what I would like to do for a living. In the meantime, I was enrolled in the Tecnologico de Zapopan to accomplished my first bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering since one of my first dreams was to be able to manage my team inside of a big industry / big company. However, In the middle of my bachelor’s degree, I found out that if I would like to be successful in this industry, I will need to learn a second language like English, but at that time the only resource that I had was the opportunity to go in an adventure to be able to accomplish my new goal.

For this reason, I decided to go back to the U.S. to start learning a new language. At this moment, I was having fragile ideas since I didn't know exactly how I will do it. The only thing that I knew is that to be able to accomplish this goal, I will need to do whatever it takes to get into the next level.

My trip started by flying directly to San Diego, CA. At this moment, I realized that I will be saying goodbye to my family and to all the stuff that I created. After I got into San Diego, my family from California started helping me out to find better opportunities and to find a school to learn English. Then, after doing all of this, I was feeling incapable of doing better with myself because I didn’t know anyone and I didn’t know what to do at that moment.

At this point in my life, I was thinking that my life was a mess and that I will never reach my goals.

Gratefully, my family was able to support me and was able to guide me to know how to get into the stuff that I want. My family was able to show me how much it will take to settle down in this country. Also, they were able to teach me how to use all the closer resources that I have at the time. To give you an idea of these resources:

My family provided me an old computer, and access to the internet which allowed me to get into the most important websites like indeed, and Google translate. These resources helped me to find my first school and my first job.

My first school was in ChulaVista CA. The name of this school is Chula Vista Adult School. At this school, I was enrolled in the English program. This program helped to have a better understanding of this language and to be able to speak better. This school provided me the basis to be able to find my first job. My first job here in the U.S. was as a salesman in the retail field. At this job, I was able to learn how to do things with my second language. Also, I was able to learn more at this job because my manager forced me to learn the language and forced me to learn quicker.

I will always remember this manager because he was the person that made me feel proud of what I was doing and he made me realized that if I would like to have a better life, I would need to go back to college.


So, I start to apply to a lot of universities to see who was willing to accept me and to see where it was more convenience to start my dreams. After spending a lot of time sending my applications, I found a person that helped me to get enrolled at Utah Valley University where the only condition that they had was that I needed to be enrolled in the English program that is called English as a Second Language. Then, after doing this, they told me that I will be able to get enrolled in the bachelor’s degree of my preference.

By doing this program, I was able to find out what I like to do for a living which is Web and App development.


Difficult Situations Will Make Good Stories

I’m telling you my story to show you how difficult it can be to find what you like to do and to discover the right thing to do. Sometimes, you will find that you don’t know a lot of things, but your veracity will help you to do what you want to do. At this point, my recommendation is to be patient and to do whatever it takes to achieve your dreams since nothing it’s impossible.

Help your Dreams Become True

As I said before my name is Andres Haro and I’m glad to be part of the Latino community since I would love to help other minorities to get into the same level that I am right now. I hope someone will find my story interesting and that each of you will find and achieve your dreams.

This page it’s all about me, but this blog will be related to topics like guides to know how to code, how to start your career in the tech industry, and how to gain the skills to become of great value to the tech field.

If you have questions, you will need to email me at . Please take a look at my website, repl, twitter, Github, Spanish Medium Account, and LinkedIn.

Please don’t forget to have a wonderful day and don’t forget to enjoy everything that you do — Coders_forlife.