Photo by Sam Wheeler on Unsplash
Digital Publishing is created by every individual that lives in the new society. In other words, people that are living in this current generation.
If you don’t believe it, you will need to take a look at what you are doing in social media. Yes, you are considerate as a digital publisher. You might wonder how this is happening!
Let me explain: According to Kahle Wolfe if you search the definition of “digital publishing” You will get a hard time to find an answer since no-one is willing to explain what is happening in the real world. However, a simple dictionary will answer that Digital Publishing is places like Google, and even the e-books are considered as a Digital Publishing.
As a better example; I would like to say that John Battelle will have the following definition: Digital Publishing is Connecting a community through the art and science of communication. In my own words, I will express that this term is more than what you think since this is the way that everybody can save time since everything that you want to find, you will use the internet.
Photo by Rodion Kutsaev on Unsplash
“To be more expressive with this term, I would say that Digital Publishing is the replacement of written material.”
The best examples of this new era are:
Electronic magazines
Photo by Lee Campbell on Unsplash
Digital Publishing Diverse
In this technology, I will assume that everything that produces or maintain the content will be considerate Digital Publishing. Example: VideoGames, Apps, Videos, Websites, Blogs, etc.
Discussion between Digital and Electronic
This is described as the dynamic technology that goes from a diversity of names which, I think you will recognize the following term “e-Publishing.”
In other words, you will see that people will have a diversity of names, but the reality is that everything is dominated by Digital Publishing.
Massive Places that Used Digital Publishing
You will need to think in all the companies across the world that are big enough to share ideas, creativity, ways to leave, etc.
When I’m saying this it’s because I would like you to think in the companies like Facebook, Twitter, Medium, Youtube, E-books, Newsletters. All the stuff that you used online in this current moment its part of this term.
Do you know that you are a digital publisher?
If you believe that my answer is wrong, I will give you an idea of why I’m saying this.
How many times do you post a picture on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter? How many times do you write a comment on social media? How many times do you provide feedback or surveys online?
If your answer is more than once, you will be considered as a digital publisher.
The power of this topic is more than saving money since the majority of consumers will use the internet to turn their tools to know more about you and to know what is the interest of the people of getting certain products or services. Also, I would love to say that this topic will allow other people to read reviews, and to shop online.
The force and the power of digital marketing can be easily seen in how consumers are changing through the years since you will only need to use your mobile device to see what type of life-styled you have and to know what type of consumer you are.
If you’re a good designer, you will understand the importance of this topic. Please share with friends this article, and let me know your thoughts.
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