I am the Engineer that you are looking for.

I am the Engineer that you are looking for.

I am a UX Developer & Front-End Engineer focusing on creating new ideas, and new ways to show creativity to make sure we will taking care of every single end-user. My passion is solving issues, being creative, and learning new things every day.

Photo by [AltumCode](https://cdn.hashnode.com/res/hashnode/image/upload/v1627018096813/8jk19Ua5_.html) on [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com?utm_source=medium&utm_medium=referral)Photo by AltumCode on Unsplash

Look at my resume:

Designed by Alan HaroDesigned by Alan Haro

Current and Recent Projects:

If you would like to search for more of my projects, I will recommend you to look at my Github account: https://github.com/hvaandres

Design Projects:

Designed by Alan HaroDesigned by Alan Haro




Social Media:

LinkedIn | Instagram | Youtube | Github

If you’re looking to hire a Software Engineer & a Web Developer, you should reach out to me at

*End-Testing Cypress Pipelines| How do I get a job as an engineer? | UX Developer | I am the Engineer that you are looking for | Send Multiple Messages through the Terminal with the iMessage App!*