This is not enough time to be a perfect Software & Web Developer!
Photo by Arif Riyanto on Unsplash
A lot of people will say that 3 months is enough time to know the basics to start coding. In my experience, I would like to say that it took me 1 year to start understanding more about Software Development.
However, the best way to gain this type of skills is by reading books, coding examples, creating websites, creating your small ideas into code, designing, and more.
I’m currently enrolled in college on the web & app development program. Also, I’m currently working on my coding Bootcamp where I’m learning Python, Javascript, NodeJS, React, etc. At the same time, I’m working between 60 to 70 hours a week. 40 Hours of my time are inside of a company called Domo, and the rest of the hours I’m working through my internship with Digital Media UVU.
Many people will be surprised by how much stuff I can handle, and how much stuff I can do at the same time. However, my problem was that I was trying to get a coding interviewing to see what types of problems do they apply and what type of questions do they ask.
The main issue here is that not a lot of companies are not willing to give you access to an interview because you’re new to this field or because you don’t have experience. Then, what I started to do is looking at Google all types of resumes from software and web developers to see if I can make my resume look like one of these resumes that I was looking for or searching into Google. Then, I created a fake account on indeed to see if I can upload my resume there, and see if I can start getting luck and get some software developer interviews.
By doing this, I was trying to see all types of interviews I can get and all types of coding challenges that I can have to be able to practice.
After that, I decided to get enrolled at Bottega Tech to do my coding Bootcamp to be a full-stack developer. By doing this, I started to get an idea of the concepts, and the ideas of what I can do as a software developer. The problem here is that the first three months didn’t give me enough knowledge to know the questions that a company can ask since the beginning of your coding Bootcamp will be basic concepts, and you will not be at the same level of someone that has 2 or 3 years of experience.
However, I would like to say that the best way that you can do is getting an idea of what you would like to do in the tech field, and starting to get interviews to see what is the stuff that you will need to learn. From here, you will need to read the following book “Cracking your coding interview.” By reading this book, you will find out a lot of the questions that you already had with recruiters.
Another thing that you can do is getting an internship at a college or university since they will not require a lot of experience and they will allow you to learn. I say this because this is what I did, and it worked.
As soon as you started working in the tech field, you will start finding that working in this area or field is much easier since you will understand more the concepts. Also, I will recommend you to still applying to different jobs online to make sure you can get the experience, and you will know more than what a recruiter is expecting you to know.
I’m telling you what I have been learning for a year, and I would like to let you know that getting into this field is not an easy thing to do and that a coding Bootcamp in three months will not give you enough experience to do much as a software developer.
Then, my recommendation is to get involved in the tech field as much as you can to make sure you will get the concepts, and the idea of what you can do in the future.
I’m not saying that this is the only way that you can do it, but you will get surprised by what you can do in 1 year. If you don’t have any idea of how to start, I will recommend you to do the following things:
Getting a job or internship in Tech support (Software Companies)
Getting enrolled in some type of coding courses (Coding Bootcamp)
Start building websites with (HTML & CSS)
Getting enrolled in the free coding Bootcamp (Freecode Camp)
If you already work in the field, I will recommend you to shadow Engineers.
Asking questions to Engineers (Look for a mentor or someone that can teach you)
These are some of the steps that you can take to start getting an idea of what to do next. I understand that at the beginning is complicated, and that is a lot of stuff that you don’t understand. However, you will need to understand that coding is not for everyone and that this type of career is for problem-solving people. If this is what you want, the only thing that I will say is “Welcome to the coding world.”
You will need to do a lot of stuff to get into this field, but if this what you like and what you want, you will enjoy it. Please don’t feel that this information is to scare you, but don’t let anyone tell you that in three months, you will have the best salary and the best job since it can take you more than three months to get into the place that you want.
If you have questions, you will need to email me at Please take a look at my website, repl, twitter, Github, Spanish Medium Account, and LinkedIn.